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Coffee, hand-crafted, bold, adventurous
Emerson Coffee Logo

The name Emerson and the Emerson brand faithfully continue to live up to the company slogan “Famous in The Worst Places.®”

Emerson is a name that has been known, respected and revered in the most famous and infamous places on the planet for over 30 years. From the halls of the Pentagon to the barren windswept mountains of Afghanistan, from the frozen glaciers of Antarctica to the icy vacuum of outer space, Emerson has truly, “been there and done that.”

The Emerson family does not sit still for long and they have now begun a new adventure – a journey through the world of coffee, and that journey is going to lead directly to your front door and into your next cup.



Ernest Emerson

Ernest Emerson

Mary Emerson

Mary Emerson

Rachael Emerson

Rachael Emerson

Megan Gomez

Megan Gomez


Let me answer the most obvious question:

Why Coffee?

Many have asked me why, after an already successful career, did you decide to start a coffee company?

Well, there are THREE reasons.

The first reason is that in order to truly enjoy life you need to find a way to do the things you love doing and a way to share these passions with others. Only then can you feel the exhilaration of life and all of its offerings.

So when my Wife Mary said to me across the dinner table one evening, ‘I want to have a coffee company’ I didn’t even need a second to think about it.

My answer wasn’t just yes – it was hell yes! What a great idea. What better way could there be to share our passion – our passion for life, with others?

The second reason is this:

Fortune favors the BOLD.

In the Emerson family, life has always been about the journey together—not the destination. We firmly believe that embracing one’s inner ambitions leads to great success. And so our new voyage begins, starting with Mary’s idea, and growing into the meetings, decisions, and planning, further exemplifying the loyalty, determination, and enthusiasm of the Emerson family, not just to do something, but to do that thing the best way that we possibly can.

The third reason is real simple:

The Emersons love a great cup of coffee and we know you do too.

We are a community, we are a brotherhood, we are friends, we are family, and now is a perfect opportunity to share our journey, our adventure, and our passion with all of you.

So brew up a pot, pour some into your favorite mug, sit back and enjoy a cup of coffee with us.
